Saturday, February 10, 2018

Four years ago today, an intrepid band of rogues, misfits, adventurers, and authors set out on a journey into the world of self-publishing and fiction. The result was the creation of Four Fools Press and the initial release of our inaugural product: Something Under The Sea is Drooling. Now, four years later, we're still hard at it, striving daily and putting out more and more crazy good stories.

We'd like to celebrate this four year anniversary with the release of a massive, 700+ page anthology that includes every single Four Fools release to date, as well as some never-before-seen work to boot. With much pride and pleasure, we give you - The First Four Years!


February 10, 2014…an experiment began. With the creation of Four Fools Press, a few strange fellows decided to start producing crazy good stories and selling them on the Internet. Along the way we’ve grown, and so has our collective word counts. Now, we celebrate our Four Year Anniversary with the release of this volume: an anthology of everything that we’ve released over the past four years…and then some.

We hope you enjoy.

Four Fools Press celebrates our Four Year Anniversay: The First Four Years
10:29 AM

Four Fools Press celebrates our Four Year Anniversay: The First Four Years