Brannon Hollingsworth

Brannon Hollingsworth was born to create. An author, speaker, poet, publisher, producer, world builder, product manager, comic creator, podcast host, game designer, script writer, art director, voice actor, content creator, and unapologetic Christ-follower, Brannon is a passionate creator and teacher of youth who promotes family-oriented ministries. Brannon is the proud father of five, four of whom are home-schooled. By day, he writes and produces entertainment and educational content from his top-secret, hidden base in north Alabama. By night, he creates new ideas with boundless enthusiasm.

Brannon is the co-author of H20 the novel, the first in the Eternal Elements Series, from AMG Publishers. His other recent works include the comic "Sundered" (for Awful Good Games), “Tenet’s Tale”, part of the mosaic novel Skein of Shadows from Dark Quest Publishing; “Firestarter”, part of The Guestbook, an Amazon best selling horror anthology from Four Fools Press, Angel's Glow, Part 1 of The Peacock Papers, The Truth Is Out There, Cold Vengeance, and Ambush (parts of the supernaturally-laced Tenet's Tales series), Silent Night, Lady White, part of the Wyrdwar Series, Nod, a supernatural shocker, Russian Apemen from Space, a rollicking genre-mash-up roller coaster, Prelude to Okolona, a shocking Civil War spook tale, To Live and Die in Dixie, a massive collection of frightful Southern tales, a titanic anthology of crazy good stories entitled The First Four Years, and last but not least, Robot Dad, which is his first foray into fully illustrated children's' books.

Brannon has also been published extensively in the role-playing industry, writing fiction and designing games for several publishers including: Paizo Publishing, Sword & Sorcery Studios, Green Ronin Press, Bastion Press, Sovereign Press, Necromancer Games, Atlas Games, Fantasy Flight Games, Eden Studios, Skeleton Key Games, Ignitus Innovations, Wandering Men Studios, Dark Quest Games, Ambient, Inc., and Citizen Games. Brannon has also been published in several role-playing periodicals such as Dragon Magazine, Gaming Frontiers, and The EN World Player's Journal. He was also a co-creator and producer of his own card based role-playing game, Untold, called “…a clever idea well executed…” and “Excellent” by Forbes. Recently, Brannon also participated in the highly successful Sundered World Kickstarter by writing the seminal "Issue 0" of the plane-spanning comic, Sundered.

Brannon’s publications are not limited to game design and fiction, however, as his work has appeared in County Extra Magazine, A Year in the Country 2018, Out-of-Work to Making Money: 21 Comeback Stories Every Job Hunter Should Hear, and on the websites Atlas Obscura, Unemploymentville, and Brannon also creates online content, such as educational and entertainment videos for sites such as YouTube (The HowtoDrawandPaint Channel), Vimeo, Udemy, Curious, PublicVine, and others. Recently, a children's video series he wrote and co-created, The PicTrain, was optioned by TBN, the Trinity Broadcast Network, also known as the largest Christian cable channel on the planet, Smile of a Child, Christian, Saltflix,,, 24Flix,, and

Recently, via his animation company, Brainy Pixel, Brannon wrote and co-produced the 22 minute pilot episode of The Cubekins, entitled the Invasion of the Cubecumbers, which has already received the Dove Seal of Approval for All Ages. He is also the new anchor host of the Creatively Christian podcast, produced by Theophany Media.

1 comment:

  1. Ashy!
    I helped do a little editing for Untold: Splintered Serenity. I just wanted you to know that Fantasy Flight Games has released a way to publish material for it's Genesys Roleplaying Game through Drivethrurpg. It's called Genesys Foundry. I think that the rules set would be a good fit to re-publish Splintered Serenity as a setting supplement for Genesys.


    Timothy F.
